
Treating a Puncture Wound to the Carpus

Acute Injury. Treating a Puncture Wound to the Carpus (knee) which occurred during a race. Puncture wounds are penetrating wounds that generally look minor by making small skin tears or holes, but can cause significant trauma beneath. Most puncture wounds are complicated by infection because contamination is introduced deep into the wound. Often, the skin…
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Dysplasia and Osteoarthritis in German Shepard right paw

This dog was diagnosed with hip Dysplasia and Osteoarthritis in her right paw. Osteoarthritis, also know as degenerative joint disease (DJD) is defined as the progressive and permanent long term deterioration of the cartilage surrounding the joints. Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. Osteoarthritis is a form of chronic joint inflammation caused by deterioration of…
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Trauma to the Hock from a Kick

Laser Therapy was requested to treat Trauma to the Hock. The initial injury, a kick from a mare to the lateral aspect of the right hind leg, 1 inch below the hock. Initially presented with an open wound, infection and the formation of proud flesh. The wound was 3 months old. When I was asked…
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Treating Semitendinosus Muscle Puncture Wound

The mare presented with a deep laceration to the Hamstring muscle the Semitendinosus, which is a Large muscle, forming the contour of the caudal thigh. In horses, the muscle is comprised of two heads; the bellies of which then reunite and run as a flat tendon to the medial side of the leg. The action…
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